

We create solutions based on Artificial Vision to control, analyse or interpret a process and improve its efficiency.

Artificial Intelligence at the service of human capacity

We generate added value by automating processes and processing data (Big Data) to speed up decision-making and optimise resources. A digital transformation process that increases the efficiency of our clients, the competitiveness of their models and generates savings in the medium term.

How do we do it?

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Video Analytics

Systems aimed at detecting and categorising elements in an image.

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Business Intelligence

We create knowledge about your model from data extracted from images.

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Facial Biometrics

Systems adapted to RGPD for biometric identification of people.

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We develop customised projects and solutions based on Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence

Video Analytics

We develop systems for the detection and classification of objects and people in images that store the descriptive information of the scene, allowing this information to be processed for the automation of processes and decision-making.

We train algorithms with Deep Learning technology for the detection of new categories according to the needs of our clients, which allows us to adapt the technology to each company and each production process.

Do you want to automate processes and reduce decision-making times within your production model?

How do we use video analytics to improve your processes?


We generate a new data input with the information contained in images or videos.


We develop and improve descriptive models with the processed information.


We generate savings, increase efficiency and reduce error rates.


Applicable to industrial processes, video surveillance, retails, marketing ....

Artificial Intelligence

Business Intelligence

We create knowledge from information. We develop descriptive and predictive models by processing data obtained by Artificial Vision to understand your business and facilitate decision making.

We use data extracted from images to which we add data from your organisation to create models that make it easier to understand, predict and make decisions quickly.

Do you want to have descriptive models of your business that allow you to make the best decisions?

How do we transform information into knowledge?

Heat and traffic maps

To analyse hot zones, traffic flows, optimise commercial spaces...

Customer segmentation

Providing valuable information to develop commercial strategies.

Counting systems

Statistical counts that allow to adjust the necessary resources.

Predictive systems

AI-based predictive models to plan stock or resource requirements.

Artificial Intelligence

Facial biometrics

We develop facial recognition systems that allow, from a set of biometric data, to identify or verify the identity of an individual by comparing it with previously stored biometric data.

Our identification technology makes it possible to automate administrative processes, such as, employees' working hours and access records by linking them with mechanical access control elements.

Do you want to implement an efficient and robust time and attendance system that facilitates your company's administrative tasks?

Applications of our biometric technology

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Includes machine vision control of PPE and connection with CASE managers.

Hotels and resorts

Management of personnel, users, contracts and possibility of multi-site management.

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Work environment

Management of personnel in workspaces. Access control and employee presence

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Leisure, fairs and events

Alternative identification options (QR, DNI...) for large traffic flows.

Artificial Intelligence


We develop tailor-made projects and solutions based on Artificial Intelligence providing value and competitiveness to our clients.

We analyse the ideal techniques, the relevant indicators and the possibilities of information processing to present the results according to your needs.

Do you want to increase the competitiveness of your business?

How do we help companies?

Detection and classification

We develop customised Deep Learning training using Artificial Vision to detect and classify objects.

Big Data

Large scale data collection, transformation of data to information, and information to knowledge.

Process automation

We analyse your production processes and implement automation techniques.

Predictive systems

We make future predictions of the behaviour of any measurable system based on the analysis of patterns.



Video analytics system based on Deep Learning for perimeter security with anti-sabotage functions. It detects intruders and vehicles in restricted spaces generating alerts after intrusion.

Do you want to incorporate a security system with the latest AI technology?



Identity is a personnel management software linked to the access controls of a facility. It increases the security of your organisation by allowing access only to authorised personnel and manages the identification of visitors and external personnel.

Do you want to improve access control in your work environment?

"Artificial Intelligence at the service of human capability".

Want to know everything AI technology can do for you?

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